Saturday, May 21, 2011

The Day After Doomsday

Ironic how people can be so easily persuaded that the world is going to end on May 21st, 2011, at 6 PM, but they are so averse to the truth about a real and living Gospel, and a real and living “end of the world” when approached by Christians. To them, this is the last plight of a desperate soul who knows (or sees this as) his last chance for redemption, or a last chance to party.

So what exactly was I doing the day before “DOOMSDAY”? I spent the day with my co-workers at Annella Designs talking about what they were planning to do before the final hour, and what they believed would lead up to this alleged end. A small part of me was actually convinced for a split second that the world actually COULD end tomorrow. I mean let’s face it, who are we to question God if He decides to make the day tomorrow? And people talking “big” can really frighten you—when your co-workers are talking about the sky looks so ominous and joking about being “left behind”, it kind of makes you think twice about what you’ve done with your life.

At the same time, it’s also sad hearing about what people are trying to do, and accomplish in the last hours. One of my co-workers was hoping to go home and pray with his mom for the end. You hear others who are planning on having a huge rapture party. Maybe I’m taking it too seriously, but on the way home, I kept hearing Britney Spears’ song, “Til the World Ends”. It was almost foreboding the way the words kind of just hung in the air like humidity, dripping and uncomfortable.

Deep down, I know that I have assurance in my walk with God, but a big part of me was ashamed that I was still so scared and unsure of what really was going to happen. I’m not going to lie, a big part of me was filled with relief when it hit 6:01 pm today. And as much as this sounds like another rollercoaster peak, where I’m fighting to regain my devotional life and relationship with God stemmed from guilt, I think this question was a good wakeup call, and a reminder to persevere, once again. I do believe that God saves me, and that He forgives. But every once in a while, we need an extra push, whether or not that means taking these “ridiculous crazy predictions” in stride as a reminder of His power, or if that means further action, by changing our small habits to little by little include Him in more and more of our day.

Romans 6:5-Just reading this verse after my small panic attack of fear at where I stand with God…I am SO AMAZED at how He still works. Just listen to God’s reassurance through Paul: “For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.” What promise He has in store for us! Even in my doubt, I am so encouraged by this truth, in knowing that I am in right standing with God, because I am united with Him in dying to sin.

At the end of the chapter, Paul writes, “For when you were slaves of sin, you were free in regard to righteousness. But what fruit were you getting at that time from the things of which you are now ashamed? For the end of those things is death.” It makes me question some of the things I’ve participated in that made me reassess to what purpose and end they resulted in. When we choose to sin, we are making a conscious effort to ignore and avoid righteousness. But Paul makes a good point—if it’s something that makes us ashamed of what we did, in the sight of God, what good is that in the end? What good does it do for us? What do our decisions produce in the long run? There is no positive end. There is no good that comes from our conscious decision to ignore His word—it only begets death.

So what happens if we consciously choose righteousness instead? Paul’s answer is resounding, and so incredible: “But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.” Choosing righteousness and following Christ means that we are constantly being changed for the better, and becoming more and more sanctified or holy daily. It’s not an easy fight. No, God promises it’ll be hard, and we will suffer trials. But the conscious decisions we make to serve Him, and hold fast to His word, in return, keep us obedient and give us the hope that He is molding us into his perfect image, and we have the reward of eternal life awaiting us.

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