Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Before the Fall...

I began reading this book called "The Church Awakening", by Charles Swindoll, and within the first few pages, I started realizing, our churches are ERODING. As Swindoll states, churches today have lost the sight of the original vision and purpose of the church that Christ began in 0 AD. As a result, its people have lost sight of the simplicity of the gospel, and the conviction of Christianity.

What does this mean? It means people don't read about, study, and KNOW, the gospel story, or even the history behind, and the prophesy foretold of the child who was sent to redeem all mankind because of sin. Many Christians call themselves Christians, because they think going to church is what warrants their claim. Or they think they've been pretty good people so far, and that they don't foresee any troublemaking tendencies that could cause their downfall. The original truth of the depravity of man, and the deserved death that we all should be doomed for, is long forgotten, and too "heavy" of a truth for most people to accept. It's a truth that sometimes even I don't want to really believe. But it is a truth nonetheless. One of the characteristics of the early church, as Swindoll stated, was their unyielding commitment to the "apostles' truth"--that is, the truth of Christ's salvation. It was this simple truth, without rules, laws, and regulations or standards, that was the foundation of the early church.

It is interesting now, seeing how rules and regulations are such a necessary part of running our church. Most people have become cynical, and skeptical about the truth, and without such standards, a church fails to promote the teaching/preaching, fellowship, breaking bread, and prayer that is Christ-centered, and Word-focused.

It makes me think, how am I contributing to the church's erosion? Or how can I help to keep it from eroding? Have I given in and surrendered to certain "truths" which have so deceived me that I no longer can tell truth from lie anymore? It is the lies that consume us so much more easily, and more quickly, than truths convict us.

i've realized how complacent I've become in the last couple of years. Every week I remember Pastor Young mentioning how real spiritual warfare is. More often than not, it doesn't hit me HOW real it all is--that we are constantly under spiritual attack. It's not something we're constantly aware of until we start seeing everything in a kingdom light. What I mean by this, is that we begin to see our lives in light of our heavenly future. Living from day to day, just to get by, hardly gets me thinking about my heavenly afterlife. But it's there. It's real. And seeing my body and my mind go under physical and mental attack has really made me realize how hard Satan is willing to go, to make me feel unwanted, and unworthy.

As i go through this week trying to understand how to live my life fully for Him, and how to glorify Him in all I do, there are many mistakes I make. There's a lot of bitterness at the sin in this world, and at my own pride, and my own stubbornness. Still, I was reminded yesterday by a very interesting source, that I am very blessed. I have a lot to be thankful for. I have even more to be repentant for. And I was reminded that God is faithful, and that sometimes it requires being still, to listen for His voice, and trust in His plan. Sometimes that means staying in place, and just waiting for His direction. All I can do at this point, is try to live my life daily in communication with him, and trusting that He is keeping me here, or blocking certain opportunities, for a reason. And when it comes to contributing to the church's erosion, all I can do it persevere and fight with all my might against the sinfulness and the stubbornness that keeps me from serving Him completely. It means delving into His word more, and fully understanding and holding to the truths and the promises He gives me.

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