Thursday, March 1, 2012

Something I feel strongly about

Something I feel strongly about: While it may not seem like it, I feel quite strongly about a lot of things in the world. Most of it is my voice of bitterness telling me that people are not as reliable as you wish they were, or that every job will have it's fair share of drama, or how the arts, and Christianity (two of the most important things in my life) are both severely and harshly left to the wayside when it comes to the support of the majority. I could discuss the issues I have with disrespectful people, or the fact that people need more organization in their lives sometimes.

Something I feel strongly about-that's a tall order to narrow down to one thing. However, I think one thing I've been bothered by for a long time, is the imbalance of the arts world vs. the business/science world. I've often felt that expression is an artistic outburst that everyone has within them, whether they are a chemist, a journalist, or a painter. Sometimes it frustrates me to no end when people belittle my field, or think that because I'm a costume/fashion designer, I automatically "sew clothes" and everything in between.

I. DO. NOT. SIMPLY. TAILOR.. AND. HEM. PEOPLE Yes, once in a while I will do you a favor, and sure! hemming is not too difficult--when it comes to pants--but it drives me up the wall sometimes when people tell me that i just draw for a living, and ask if I can fix their 10 shirts which got a few holes in them.

DAMN IT PEOPLE HAVE SOME RESPECT! Don't get me wrong, I love making my creations and drawing and illustrating--but be a little sensitive about what I do. It's my job. It's a REAL job just like any other job. I have to work extra hard to earn money with my "job", and sewing or tailoring a coat does NOT take one hour. it DOES take several days sometimes. And NO, I am not trying to waste your money and gyp you of a decent looking coat! I have precious time too! And sometimes I will put off your project because I have a real paid project that requires actual attention and a deadline to boot!

So with that said, I will expect no more silly questions about fixing your latest pair of pants!

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